5-Day Vacation From Sugar Challenge

Are you a woman perhaps nearing retirement or not, AND find you're always reaching for that sugary pick-me-up to get you through the next thing on your list?

Sugar gives you energy, so you normally gravitate towards it. I understand that. But it is EVERYWHERE and seems to have a hold on you. It's wrecking your life, and has you craving more & more. And, with holidays, family or work events, you just don't know what to do about it. Can you relate?

Well, here is a 5 day eye-opener that will get you started on the road to kicking sugar to the curb and getting your cravings in control, once and for all.

You know you owe it to yourself, and it's FREE!!

I will take you through each day step-by-step; you'll get doable actions that you can use on the spot!

Enter your info and join this FREE 5-Day Guided Virtual Event,

Date: July 18 -22

Presented by Ciriaca Yolanda, WiseNFit2, Certified Health Coach